Anemia and Your Kidney Health

Anemia and Your Kidney Health

Your kidneys play a critical role in filtering waste, toxins, and excess fluid from your blood. But did you know that chronic kidney disease (CKD) can lead to anemia? Your trusted team at Texas Advanced Renal Health offers CKD and anemia treatment to enhance your health and quality of life. You can count on us for state-of-the-art, compassionate care. 

What Is Anemia?

Anemia is a serious condition that develops when the blood doesn’t have enough healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin to carry oxygen to the tissues. When red blood cells and hemoglobin are in short supply, your organs, such as the heart and brain, may not get enough oxygen to work properly. You may also lack the energy you need to go about your daily activities. 

Anemia and Your Kidney Health

Anemia can occur due to conditions not related to kidney disease. However, it is a very common complication of CKD, especially among patients with advanced kidney disease. 

It all starts with a hormone known as erythropoietin (EPO). Healthy kidneys produce EPO, which signals the body to produce red blood cells. If you have chronic kidney disease, your kidneys may not produce enough EPO. As a result, the red blood cell count can drop, leading to anemia. Other causes of anemia related to CKD may include blood loss, particularly when undergoing dialysis for kidney failure. 

What Are the Symptoms of Anemia?

Symptoms of anemia include pale skin, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, headaches, fainting, and cold hands and feet. Patients often report irritability, body aches, sleep problems, and difficulty concentrating. Anemia can sometimes cause shortness of breath, fast or irregular heartbeats, or chest pain.  

Anemia is a serious condition requiring immediate care. If you experience any of its symptoms, contact your trusted team at Texas Advanced Renal Health for a consultation. We will evaluate your unique needs and help you get your health back on track. 

How Is Anemia Related to CKD Treated? 

Our McKinney, TX, team specializes in preventing and treating anemia related to CKD. We encourage you to include iron-rich foods in your diet and may recommend vitamin B12 supplements to support the production of red blood cells. 

Diagnosing your anemia will depend on blood tests that determine your blood count and show the size and shape of your red blood cells. If you have anemia, additional testing may be required to assess its severity and underlying causes. 

Treatments for anemia will vary depending on your unique needs. They may include iron supplements in pill form or iron IV infusions. You may require an erythropoiesis-stimulating agent (ESA), which helps your body produce more red blood cells. If the hemoglobin levels fall too low, you may need a red blood cell transfusion. 

Anemia Treatment in McKinney, TX

If you are looking for kidney health support or anemia treatment options, contact Texas Advanced Renal Health to schedule a consultation. Dr. Sadeddin and his team will work with you to treat your anemia and ensure your kidneys function their best for as long as possible. We are committed to supporting you and your kidney health every step of the way. Call 972-548-4833 to schedule your appointment today!